Postpartum depression story

My postpartum depression story

My postpartum depression story. Postpartum depression is common among women after child delivery and can be a result of emotional changes, and psychological, physical, financial, and social changes. Postpartum depression is common among new moms who are first-time moms and each of these moms has unique symptoms of postpartum feelings or postpartum depression. Just like […]

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Postpartum Depression: 10 rare causes, symptoms & treatments

Postpartum depression: 10 Common Causes, Symptoms and Treatments.

Postpartum depression isn’t always a psychosis issue, as its most times a result of difficulties experienced during pregnancy and child delivery. Postpartum depression at its earlier stage can be resolved without medical treatment but with much love shown to the new mom. Many new moms and especially first-time moms experience postpartum also known as “baby

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Self-harm Bible Verses

Self-harm Bible verses: 10 Amazing Self-harm Bible verses you must know

Self-harm Bible verses: 10 Amazing Self-harm Bible verses you must know Are you wondering whether God cares about you because you self-harm? Yes, he does. There are several self-harm Bible Verses where God expresses his desire for you to be in good health both physically and emotionally. God does not want you to cut yourself

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Self-harming? 5 amazing whys for self-harming you must know

Self-harming? 5 Amazing whys for self-harming you must know

Self-harming is a treatable psychological condition and people who engage in self-harming acts are not always suicidal. however, there are several reasons why people self-harm. The things that stress one person may not stress or worry another. Some people can handle their problems by confiding in their loved ones, while others may need professional help.

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Self-harm: 5 Amazing Meanings of Self-harm you must know

Self-harm is any activity engaged in to inflict physical pain on oneself intentionally. While self-harm isn’t a mental health issue, it’s commonly a symptom of emotional discomfort. People frequently engage in hidden self-harm and prefer to act this way, especially if they worry other people won’t appreciate their honest expression of how they really feel.

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