Quick and Easy Breakfast Recipe: Prepare a Delicious Three-in-One Breakfast in 10 Minutes

Making breakfast is always not an easy thing to decide on, especially, when you are running late to get to work.

However, breakfast is an important meal of the day that you should not skip. Also, taking a satisfying breakfast will positively affect your work productivity for the day.

Breakfast will provide the required energy and motivation for the day’s activities. Most importantly, a cup of coffee and this breakfast idea will make your day a great one.

Looking for a menu that you can prepare in less than 10 minutes? It is simple and no worries. You can have something in your tummy while you’re in a hurry to the office.

If yes, then you can try this dish out. It’s easy, fast, simple and yummy!!!


Ingredients for Preparing your 10 minutes breakfast

  • 3 raw Eggs
  • A pinch of salt
  • Chopped onions
  • 1 bell pepper(chopped)
  • Low-cholesterol frying oil
  • Sliced Ripened Plantain
  • Boiled snails or shrimps or crayfish
  • Clean frying pan
  • Spatula

Steps for preparation

Frying the egg 3min

  • To prepare this healthy breakfast, break the eggs and pour them into a clean plate for mixing. Add a pinch of salt, a tablespoon of chopped bell pepper, and 2 spoonfuls of chopped onions and mix the mixture lightly.
  • Place your frying pan on the stove and add two tablespoonfuls of frying oil. Allow to heat moderately.
  • Pour the egg mixture into the frying pan and allow to spread. Slightly shake the pan in a circular motion to allow the egg spread evenly in the pan so as to form a round shape. Use the spatula to flip over the fried egg.

Frying the plantain 3min

  • Add little oil into the pan sufficient to fry your plantain and allow to heat moderately.
  • Add the sliced plantain into the heated oil and fry until golden brown

Frying the boiled snail, shrimps, and crayfish 3min

  • Pour the boiled snail, shrimp, and crayfish into a clean bowl,
  • Add a pinch of salt, two tablespoonfuls of onion, and 1 tablespoonful of chopped bell pepper and mix it with the snail mixture.
  • Pour all the mixture into the frying pan and fry.
  • Whoa!!!! Your three-in-one breakfast is ready.
  • Serve with a cup of hot coffee


In conclusion, breakfast is an essential meal that should not be overlooked, even when you’re short on time. The provided recipe offers a quick and easy solution for a satisfying morning meal that can be prepared in just 10 minutes. By following the steps outlined, you can enjoy a delicious three-in-one breakfast consisting of fried eggs and plantains. This recipe is simple, fast, and most importantly, it provides a nutritious start to your day. Don’t forget to pair it with a cup of hot coffee for a perfect morning combination.

Try this recipe and experience the convenience and deliciousness it offers. Remember to leave a comment and share the link if you find this idea useful. Start your day right with a nutritious and time-saving meal that will keep you energized and ready for whatever lies ahead.

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