Mother: A Great Confidant

A confidant is a person with whom one share a secret or private matter while trusting them not to repeat it to others without due permission.

“But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.” Luke 2:19

“Her husband has full confidence in her and lack nothing of value” Proverb 31:11

Sometimes, I wonder why my mother had to go through some stuffs in her life. My mother was my confidant till I got married when my husband turned to be my best friend and confidant. My mum had made so much sacrifices for us, endured hard times, all for the sake of her children.

At a time, I had to ask her, why she had to endure so much tough times in her life and relationships. Then, she said, “when you start having children and have a family, you will understand the sacrifices a mother makes. And so, I am now a mom and I understand better just like she said.

Starting from the time of being pregnant, a confidant mother will continually stand in for her family and make sacrifices for them. She is the first true and reliable friend and confidant her child knows. Also, her husband also depends on her to make the home a lovely place to live in. She put on a smile to comfort and encourage others while her heart fights against so much pain and fear. A confidant woman is brave and strong enough to confront anything challenging the peace, safety and progress of her household.

Every woman is a potential mother, because, that is how God created us to be. It is not only a woman who has given birth to her biological children that is a mother. Therefore, every woman with a loving and tender heart is a mother. A mother is sacrificial, she is ready and willing to give her all to her children either biological or not.

Are all mothers worth celebrating?

You are not a failure even if your child or one of your children has ran away from home, or he/she is into hard drugs, got pregnant as a teenager or couldn’t finish high school. Whatsoever challenges that you are facing as a mother does not define you as a failed parent. I know you have tried your best to make that child come out great in life. Despite all your flaws, you still worth to be celebrated. Even if there’s no one to praise you, I think you should appreciate yourself.

I therefore, celebrate all mothers for the courage to start the journey of motherhood. Thank you for your exceptional courage and bravery. Importantly, I celebrate all adoptive moms, mom to an only child who died suddenly, mom to an only child in prison or on an hospital bed. You are also loved.

A mother is an everywoman and an available mother who is everything she need to be at all time. Her husband and children find solace under her wings. A confidant woman is a diligent and sensitive to the needs of every members of her family.

The home is constantly faced with several challenges from the pit of hell. Therefore, the devil is on the mission to destroy every Godly and loving home and to prevent same from being established. However, God has empowered women as mothers to defend the home with the weapon of prayer and confidence in God’s word.

Therefore, a confidant mother is a woman who fears the Lord, she is prayerful and serve as an intercessor for her family.

Moreover, God has endowed all Godly mothers with the wisdom necessary to run the family and a large heart to demonstrate love. A mother with a large heart and the Love of God is a great confidant who can be trusted by her husband and children. She is not a busy body neither does she have a porous mouth.

Because of her intimate, loving and personal relationship with God, she is able to extend a loving arm of comfort to every member of her family and to persons outside her home. She is dependable, reliable, loyal and Honest.

Even so, her act of love, kindness and simplicity is of a high esteem. A mother who is a confidant, has a virtue of trustworthiness. Her husband and children have confidence in her just like the book of Proverbs says.

A confidant mother is the comfort zone where her husband and children run to from the heat and storm of the outside world. She console and encourage them with the words of her mouth. Her words are filled with wisdom and power because she is the daughter of a King. Her husband has no fear, telling her about his fears and struggles, because she is an encourager and an enabler.  A confidant mother is a virtuous woman with a listening hear and a loving heart.

You can also become a confidant mother today. Learn more on how to become a confidant mother from my new eBook, “Mother: A Great Confidant”. Download here for free.

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