Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Do you know someone who is arrogant and easily offended by constructive criticism? You can better recognize signs of narcissism and handle a narcissist if you follow these 10 important signs of Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is defined as what exactly?
In today’s selfie-obsessed, celebrity-driven culture, narcissism is often used as an insulting word against someone who appears to be overly vain or self-absorbed. However, in the realm of psychology, narcissism does not equate to self-love. One could say that those who suffer from a narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) are hopelessly smitten with a fictitious, inflated version of themselves. They adore their inflated sense of self because it protects them from confronting their true insecurities. In order to maintain their inflated sense of self-importance, however, they resort to dysfunctional attitudes and actions. Check these 10 Important signs of Narcissistic Personality Disorder to know whether you or someone close to you exhibit such personality.
A narcissistic personality disorder is characterized by a lack of empathy and concern for others as well as an unhealthy obsession with receiving praise and approval from others. People with NPD have a reputation for being arrogant, manipulative, selfish, condescending, and demanding. The narcissist’s self-centered mindset and behavior permeate every aspect of his or her life, from professional interactions to social gatherings to romantic partnerships.
Negative consequences rarely motivate those who suffer from narcissistic personality disorder to alter their behavior. They are prone to blaming everyone else but themselves. They are also hypersensitive, reacting negatively to what they interpret as criticism, disagreement, or slight. It’s often easier for the narcissist’s loved ones to just give in to their demands so they can avoid the narcissist’s coldness and outbursts. But if you educate yourself about narcissistic personality disorder, you’ll be better equipped to recognize narcissists in your life, avoid their manipulation, and set healthy boundaries.
Common signs and behavior in persons with a narcissistic personality disorder you should watch out for
- An exaggerated sense of self-worth
Exaggeration of self-worth is a common behavior in people with Narcissistic Personality Disorder. More than just arrogance or vanity, grandiosity is an unrealistic sense of superiority. Narcissists consider themselves to be exceptional and in need of similar individuals with whom to share their special bond. Also, they are far too exceptional to settle for mediocrity. They seek out and value only other elites, institutions, and commodities with which to associate.
Narcissists also consider themselves superior to others and demand admiration as such, even when they haven’t done anything to merit it. They frequently embellish or flat-out fabricate claims about their abilities and accomplishments. All you’ll hear when they discuss their work or relationships is how much they contribute, how great they are, and how lucky their coworkers and loved ones are to be around them. He sees himself as the incomparable star and everyone else is at his beck and call.
He lives in a world of fantasy that rubs his sense of high importance.
He is aware that the image of his exalted self does not really exist in reality, yet, narcissists live in a fantasy world propped up by distortion, self-deception, and magical thinking. In order to feel unique and in charge, they tell themselves stories about how successful, powerful, brilliant, attractive, and perfect their love life is. These fantasies and imagination protect him from feelings of inner emptiness and shame, therefore, facts and opinions that contradict his imagination are ignored or rationalized away. People around a narcissist learn to tread carefully to avoid bursting their fantasy bubble, which is why they are so good at ignoring reality.
2. Wants constant adulation and admiration
Without constant praise and admiration, a narcissist’s inflated sense of self-importance deflates like a balloon. One or two compliments every now and then just won’t cut it. Narcissists have an insatiable need for praise, so they gravitate toward those who will lavish it on them constantly. Such partnerships are extremely one-sided. For a narcissist, the relationship is always one-sided, focused on what the narcissist can get out of the admirer. And if there is ever an interruption or diminishment in the admirer’s attention and praise, the narcissist treats it as a betrayal.
3. Entitlement complex
Narcissists believe they are deserving of special treatment because of their inflated sense of self-importance. They are firm believers that they deserve to get what they want. The people around them are expected to cater to their every whim and fancy without question. Just that will be their sole worth. You have no value unless you can foresee and fulfill their every desire. Prepare yourself for hostility, outrage, or the cold shoulder if you dare to defy their will or “selfishly” ask for something in return.
4. Using others for one’s own gain without feeling any remorse
Narcissists are never able to empathize with others or put themselves in their shoes because they lack empathy. This means they are emotionally distant from others. People are seen as resources to be exploited for their own benefit. As a result, they have no compunction about using others for their own benefit. Interpersonal exploitation can be motivated by malice but more often results from ignorance. Narcissists are oblivious to the consequences of their actions for those around them. Even if you try to explain it to them, they won’t get it. They have no comprehension of anything other than their own wants.
4. Constantly puts others down, intimidates them, bullies them, or puts them in an inferior position
Narcissists experience feelings of inadequacy whenever they come into contact with someone who possesses qualities they value but do not possess themselves. Others who don’t bow down to them or pose any kind of challenge are a danger to them as well. They use disdain as a defense mechanism. Only by demeaning them can they remove the threat and boost their own flagging self-esteem. It could be done in a condescending or dismissive manner as if to highlight how little value they place on the other person. To bring the other person back into line, they may resort to name-calling, bullying, or threats.
The Bottom line
Each partner in a relationship is important and treating one another as such will strengthen the relationship. However, when you experience emotional blackmail or you feel inferior in a relationship because of your partner’s behavior and attitude, then you should check out for Narcissistic personality disorder in your partner. You deserve to be happy, free, and loved, therefore, when a relationship makes you feel less of yourself, sad and unproductive, then you should know that it’s time to move on.
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