Overcoming Temptations: Power to Say No

Temptations are a part of our everyday life. We are frequently exposed to situations and circumstances that seem attractive to us, and that presents us with attractive and beneficial opportunities. However, we later come to realize that these seemingly attractive opportunities are dangerous and destructive to either our physical and (or) spiritual wellness.

A situation, circumstances, or our actions becomes a temptation when it makes us act contrary to God’s word or instructions from the holy spirit.

Fulfilling a wrong desire for a thing no matter how intense the desire might be at the expense of your obedience to the holy spirit’s instructions is yielding to temptation. This establishes the fact that we are most times tempted with the evil desires of your heart. James 1:14

“but each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed.”

When you have an ungodly desire to have a sexual relationship with the opposite sex due to the sexually promiscuous films/movies that you have exposed your heart to. Then, the devil can tempt you by bringing a sexually perverted man or woman your way with whom you will desire to express your sexual feelings.

Expressing your feelings might seem like an excellent means of relieving from the evil desire. However, when you try to satisfy the desire no matter how small, then you will be yielding to the temptation of the enemy.

Whether you are tempted with money, food, sleep, position, power, an adulterous woman whatsoever, You can say no. Titus 2:11- 12

“For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people. 12 It teaches us to say “No” to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age,”

Jesus Christ was also tempted by the devil after he had fasted for 40 days and nights. Then the devil perceived that he’d be hungry, and then tempted Jesus with his desire to eat at that time. However, Jesus Christ appropriated the grace that had been made available for him to say no to every enticement of the devil.

This grace is also available for you at all times, if you are a child of God. You don’t have to fall into that temptation to later start seeking for the way out. You can always live an upright life, which is always victorious over the temptations of the enemy.

Things you should know about Temptations

1)   The devil is at work

2)   You can overcome it

3)   There is a way out right in the middle of the trying situation

4)   God has a better plan

5)   If you don’t consent to the temptation, there is a reward for you

6)   It is to strengthen your faith in God

7)   If you could say no to the temptation, you will be empowered to win some more temptations at other times.

8)   When you say NO to temptations, you have put the devil’s back on the ground.

How then can you recognize a tempting situation?

1)   They appear too juicy.

2)   They look too real to be real

3)   They seem as if you need them so urgently. Just as if it is your last chance to have then.

4)   They are contrary to God’s word and instructions

5)   They are opposed to what the holy spirit is saying or has said to you.

6)   They disconnect you from your fellowship with father, son, and the holy spirit.

7)   You will lose your inner peace

Steps to overcoming Temptations

Overcoming temptation is one of the blessings that the death and resurrection of Christ has brought to us. we now possess the power to say no to the devil. It does not matter or skillfully the Devil has laid the trap to temp us, overcoming temptation is still possible as long as we are in Christ. Therefore, when you recognize the temptations of the devil around you. The following steps will show you how to overcome temptations.

1)    Recognize that it is not the will of God for you to fall into temptation

2)   Receive the grace of God to say NO to all forms of unrighteousness

3)   Confess God’s word

4)   Resist the devil in prayers

5)    Guard your heart with all diligence by continually meditating on the word of God.

6)    Engage in positive confessions

7)    Be bold to say NO

8)   Be ready to face any consequences of saying NO

9)   Believe that God will reward your act of obedience

10)  Believe that God has a better plan for you

11)  Stay out of tempting situations

12)  Trust in God’s love.


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