Prayers for Restoration

Restoration is possible, no matter how valuable what was lost it. Your Joy, peace, health and financial prosperity can be restored. Even, a broken marriage relationship can be restored, no matter how difficult it might seem.

Many times in the journey of our lives, we come to the realization that we have lost or missed something we think is important to us. The loss of these valuables has had a negative consequence on us. Sometimes, this feeling of loss can cause us to be depressed and make us feel like a failure. Nevertheless, the message of hope is that: Restoration is possible.

Even if you have lost a rare opportunity, materials,  a loved one, good health, emotional stability, loss of belonging, relationship with God, etc. Nevertheless, You do not have to be worried or depressed anymore. Your restoration is sure.

Here is the Goodnews: No matter how valuable what we have lost is, we can always have them back through the Lord’s mercies whenever we cry out to him for restoration.

God has promised,

“l will restore unto you the years the locusts have eaten– the great locust and the young locust, the other locusts and the locust swarm — my great army that I sent among you.” Joel 2:26

God restores

Do not be worried or depressed about your current state, your restoration is sure.

Study Psalm 126 vs 1-3 and pray the prayer of faith that follows.

Psalm 126: 1- 3 NIV

1When the Lord restore the fortunes of[a] Zion,

    we were like those who dreamed.[b]

2 Our mouths is filled with laughter,

    our tongues with songs of joy.

Then, it was said among the nations,

    “The Lord has done great things for them.”

3 The Lord has done great things for us,

    therefore, we are filled with joy.

Begin your journey to restoration by praying this prayers.


Father in the name of Jesus, I thank you for restoring your joy, peace, love, unity and prosperity into my life and family. Thank you for every miraculous deliverance which you have granted unto me through the manifestation of your awesome power. Now, everyone will have a reason to rejoice with me, for you have done great things for me. All that you have done has brought us joy.

Father Lord, I trust that you have done more than I could ever ask or think. And so, by your mighty power, I decree a total restoration of every good thing, fortunes, etc. I decree that ( insert what you desired to be restored) which I have lost is miraculously restored. Such that, it is beyond my human explanation, just like a dream.

Oh Lord, I ask that you will fill my mouth with songs of joy concerning this issue( insert what you desired to be restored).  Thereby, causing everyone to rejoice with me I  Jesus name. Amen

Halleluyah, after praying this prayer, I believe that the peace and joy of the Lord will fill your heart and you will become like a new man.

As from this moment, start expecting a harvest of miracles.


Much love,


Shine  Rose

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