Purpose for your Gifts and Talents

Gods purpose for your Gifts and Talents is for you to manifest his glory on earth. Would you do that today?

1Corinthians 12:7, “But the manifestation of the spirit is given to everyone to profit withal.”

The expectation of God for giving us spiritual gifts and natural talents is to profit withal as individuals and as a church. He wants us to bear fruits of souls, getting men saved and established in him. Any spiritual gift or natural ability that you possess or manifest which does not profit God and humanity is of no value to God.

The Holy Spirit manifests his Almighty power in us through the special abilities he gives to us which are the spiritual and natural gifts that he has deposited in us.

The manifestations of these gifts show what God can do in us and through us. Therefore, the gifts cannot be effective without the influence or support of the holy spirit who is the giver.

God want you to use your gift and talents no matter how little or insignificant you think it is. Even though, all our gifts and talents are important to God because he has given them to us according to our abilities which he knows we will be able to profit with.

You do not need to envy other person’s gifts and talents. Instead, thank God for the grace he has given to you, find ways on how to develop them and to make good use of them.

5 purposes for your gifts and talents

1. To be a blessing

God has blessed you with your gifts so that you can bless humanity and he is happy when you make use of your gifts and talent.

You are born to solve specific life problems and to make the world a better place for all to live in.

God does not want you to be miserable, or a problem to humanity. He wants you to be a problem solver. Those gifts and talents in you are to solve human problem no matter how little it might look. You are to impact your world. You don’t need to start by touring the whole world but you can start from your home. Share Gods love in your neighborhood, among your friends, church and the community. God want you to put a smile on someone’s face.

2. To live a fulfilled life

One of the ways God want us to live a fulfilled live is when we make use of the gifts and talents that he has embedded in us.

God has a plan which he wants to achieve through you and this is the reason for bringing you into the world. However, God has given you all that is needed to achieve his plan through the gifts hand talents given to you.

These gifts and talents are heaven’s resources for achieving a divine project. Therefore, you will to make use of your gifts. You will experience the joy of a fulfilled life when you allow God to achieve his purposes through you.

3. To live a prosperous Life

God does not want us to live in lack or poverty. His will is for us to prosper and one of the ways in which this can be achieved is by using our gifts and talents. Proverbs 18:16 says, “A man’s gifts opens doors for him and bring him before great men”. You can become prosperous with your gifts easily and faster than with your profession.

However, your gifts and talent can become your profession when you develop it and make efficient use of it. This does not mean that you should pursue the financial or material rewards for making use of your gifts. However, you should use your gifts first to glorify God and bless humanity. Then, the rewards will naturally flow to you.

4. To worship God

Our gifts and talents should be offered as a sacrifice to God in worship and reverence unto him. You are to acknowledge God has the owner and the giver of the gifts that you possess. By doing this, you will use the gifts for God’s glory.

Furthermore, you are not to become proud nor see yourself better than others because of the gifts of God in your life. Your gifts and talents should be rendered as means of worshipping God. When you do this, God is happy and he receives the glory. Remember, when you bring glory to the father, he will also glorify you. God will announce you and you wouldn’t have to struggle for platforms to make use of your gifts and talent.

5. To serve God and Humanity

“If anyone serves Me, let him follow Me; and where I am, there My servant will be also. If anyone serves Me, him My Father will honor.” John 12:26.

God want you to serve him and humanity with your gifts. Therefore, do not seek to be honored because of your gifts and talents but seek to serve God and humanity with them. Having a heart of a servant will qualify you to be promoted to the position of a leader.

You do not need to seek for fame for God will announce you at the right. Moreover, you must serve faithfully and diligently so that God will honor you.

“Yet it shall not be so among you; but whoever desires to become great among you, let him be your servant.” Matthew 20:26. It is God’s will that you should serve him and humanity with your gifts and talents.

Do you think you have special spiritual gifts or physical talents? Its time to start manifesting them.

why wait till another day, when you can start today. The first step to take is to believe in yourself

read this book to know more on how to discover your God’s given gifts and talents.

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