Tell your child you’re pregnant: 6 simple ways to happily announce your second pregnancy

Planning to increase your family size by welcoming another child? Waoh! That’s awesome! However, You need to tell your child you’re pregnant. Telling your kid he will be having a baby sister or brother can look weird. A lot of Questions will pop up in your mind, like, how do I make Brandy understand he’ll be having a brother or sister? Will he actually understand why? Will he still know that Daddy and Mummy love him? Wouldn’t he think another baby is coming to take his place? How will he bond with the new baby? And lots more.

There is no need to be worried, all you need to do is creatively tell your child you’re pregnant in 6 simple ways.

1. Creatively tell your child you’re pregnant

When I and my spouse started planning on having our second child, we literally involved our three-year-old in the discussion by telling, him that daddy and mummy will love to give him a sister or brother like some of his friends in school had.

He was so excited to hear this as he has always talked about his friends who had sisters and brothers. He loves to cuddle his teddy bear and calls him baby. As a mother, I tried to explain to him that mummy can give him a real baby that he can play with, share his toys with, and go to school with, and that they will have lots of fun together. He was so happy and excited so much that he was already expecting his baby even when I was yet to get pregnant. This is the first step to telling your child you’re pregnant.

2. Show your child some baby stuff around the house

It wouldn’t be a big deal to tell your child you’re pregnant if you can get the child prepared psychologically and emotionally. Another way I tried to tell my child I am pregnant was to show him some of his baby stuff that are still in his baby wardrobe. It told him the baby stuff used to e for him but now that he has outgrown them then they will be used for his baby. On hearing this, he was excited so much that any time I tried to pick any of the baby stuff like clothes, he will say, ‘Mom, that’s for my baby, can you please keep it?’ Hearing him say such words made me know that he is actually prepared to have a brother or sister.

3. Let your child know where the baby will come from

During this time, my three-year-old will sometimes ask me, ‘Mom, where is my baby?’ and I will respond by telling him the baby is with God in heaven but will soon be in mummy’s stomach. That sounds weird, isn’t it? This made it easy for him to understand that mummy is carrying a child when I eventually got pregnant.

When I got pregnant, I told him his baby is now in my stomach and he needs to be gentle with mummy, so the rough play will be limited, no running into a mummy for hugs but gentle hugs. Pretty well, he was able to understand and will usually ask, ‘Mom, is your stomach paining you? Is there a baby in your stomach?’ and I will answer with a yes.

4. Let your child bond with the baby-to-be

You don’t need lengthy words to tell your child you are pregnant, when your baby bump start showing, let the child touch the baby bump, speak with the baby and get connected with the baby emotionally. When you start showing could be a time you may want to tell your friends and family that you are pregnant, this is a good time to eventually tell your child that you are pregnant. I will suggest that you share the news first with your child before you share it with your friends and family.

5. Let your child be at one of your hospital visits.

My son was excited the first time he saw his baby on the screen when I went for my 12 weeks scan. He was happy to see the baby and had an increased expectation to have a new baby. He understood that of a truth, there is a baby in mummy’s stomach. My son sometimes advises that I go to the hospital and let the doctor touch my stomach whenever I complain of any discomfort in my lower abdomen.

6. Get your child involved in picking out the baby things like clothes, etc.

Getting my son involved in picking out the baby’s things and arranging the baby’s wardrobe is one of the exciting ways I told my child I was pregnant. Knowing that he was going to have a baby sister, he was excited to pick beautiful girls’ clothes, shoes, toys, and accessories for his baby-to-be.

In conclusion, telling your child you’re pregnant can be an exciting and creative experience. By following these six simple steps, you can ensure a smooth transition for your child into becoming a big brother or sister. First, involve your child in the discussion and express your desire to give them a sibling. Next, show them some baby items around the house, signaling the arrival of a new family member.

Explain to your child where the baby will come from in a way they can understand. As your pregnancy progresses, allow your child to bond with the baby by touching your baby bump and speaking to the baby. Consider bringing them along to one of your hospital visits, where they can see the baby on the screen and further connect with the idea of a new sibling.

Finally, involve your child in picking out baby items, making them feel important and excited about the upcoming arrival. By taking these steps, you can ensure that your child feels loved, included, and prepared for the wonderful journey of welcoming a new brother or sister into their life.


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