Baby crying at night is typical, especially for babies under three months old. As a mom of two beautiful kids, I can tell you from my experience why your baby cries at night. Baby crying at night can be very frustrating, especially if you are a new mom, and it’s also challenging to identify the cause of the baby’s cry.

Don’t worry anymore. This article will help you discover four significant reasons why a baby crying at night is not something you should worry about and how you can help your little one get to sleep.

Crying is a baby’s language for expressing emotions and how they feel in their body. So when your baby cries at night, it could be that she is hungry, needs a nappy change, wants to sleep, or has digestive discomfort such as trapped wind or constipation.

The next time you see your baby crying at night, consider the following reasons and feel free to try these easy ways to comfort your baby.

When your baby cries at night, you wonder, why is this child crying? And sometimes, it is complicated to identify the reason for a baby crying at night.

1. Baby crying at night because they’re hungry.

You might wonder why babies cry so much, all because they are hungry. The only way for your baby to let you know she needs food is through crying. Babies express how they feel by crying. However, when your baby cries at night, check if the baby is hungry.

What to do

Try to feed the baby and get her to sleep moderately. Ensure the baby is latched correctly, whether breastfed or formula-fed, to avoid trapped wind in the baby’s stomach. Hold the baby to your chest upright or lay her on your lap and rub her back gently to help expel any trapped wind. After doing this, you will see that your baby will sleep soundly.

2. The baby needs a nappy change or want to make a poo.

Baby crying at night, maybe because she needs her wet nappy to be changed or she is trying to make a poo. So when you have checked that the baby isn’t hungry, then reason number two may be a cause for the baby crying at night.

What to do

Change the baby’s nappy to a clean and dry one and wait for some minutes to see if the baby will make a poo. After you’re done this, you will see that your baby will be relieved, and she will have a sound night’s sleep.

3. Baby wants to sleep

Reason three for the baby crying at night is because the baby wants to sleep. You wonder why babies cry for everything. Yes, that is their little way of talking to mama. Check out reasons one and two, and if none of them is the cause for your baby crying at night, then the baby wants to sleep.

What to do

Gently rock the baby in your arms and sing a lullaby to make them feel the love and warmth of mama. This will help the baby get a peaceful sleep.

4. Digestive Discomfort

After you have done everything and your baby seems not to fall, there may be more to it. While the baby is crying, check out some signs, such as a raised temperature, baby crying for more than an hour without stopping, or locking of the feet or hands while crying. Any of these could be a sign that your baby is having some digestive discomfort, such as constipation or trapped wind.

Generally, formula-fed babies take longer to digest their food than breastfed babies; this is due to the formula compounds in formula food, while those in breast milk are milder and work well with the baby’s digestive system.

Common digestive discomfort that causes the baby to cry at night is constipation or having trapped wind.

What to do

Help your baby expel the trapped wind by holding it to your chest upright and gently rubbing your hands against her back. If you have one at home, you can also try a home remedy, such as using a dietary supplement such as grip water. However, make sure to consult your doctor before you administer any medicine to your baby.

When to call your doctor

If your baby keeps crying for more than an hour, has a fever, or a raised temperature, refuses to feed, or strains too much to make a poo. The poo is complex or has a color that calls for concern. Make sure you call the hospital emergency line for proper medical attention.

In conclusion, understanding the reasons behind your baby’s nighttime cries can help you address the underlying causes and provide the necessary comfort and care. By being attentive to your baby’s needs and implementing the suggested solutions, you can help your little one have a peaceful night’s sleep.

For further support contact shinerosewriter@gmail.com for personalized assistance and guidance. Remember, you are not alone in this journey, and seeking help and information is a proactive step towards providing the best care for your baby.

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