Wondering why you feel the way you do? That’s because you just think that way and maybe you do not know that your thoughts craft your feelings.
The foundation to becoming the man or woman of your dream starts with your thoughts. When you think positively, you will attract positive feelings. However, Positive thoughts will help you to create positive feelings.
The mind is a powerful tool given to us by God to shape our lives just the way we want it to be. If you want to live a happy life, then always have happy thoughts.
Proverbs 23:11 says, “As a man thinketh in his heart so, is he”
The true reflection of who a man is and what he will become is characterized in his thoughts. Your thoughts are the foundation to the results that you experience in your life.
For instance, if you think that you have a headache, then by the next 30 seconds there is possibility that you might start feeling headache. Your thoughts craft your feeling so you must think positively.
When you think that your spouse is cheating on you, that is the time you begin to have feelings of insecurity and being suspicious of his/her every move and actions. This cause you to be overwhelmed with some much negative vibes towards your spouse that you will conclude that the marriage is over. The devil has his ways of making you to believe his lies. Don’t allow the devil to feed you with bad shits when you have the word of God to strengthen your heart.
If you have the thoughts that someone is better than you in an area of life then you will start having feelings of jealousy and envy against that person. But instead, think that you can also be like that person and even better. You should think on how to develop your mind and to acquire the skills that is required to have such achievement.
And most importantly, rejoice with anyone who has made a great accomplishment that you also desire. Then, you will have the feelings of courage and self-confidence that you can also achieve your dreams. Knowing that your thoughts craft your feelings will help you to consciously work on the thoughts that runs through your mind.
Most people nowadays suffer from anxiety, depression and all forms of emotional sicknesses. These emotional sicknesses all started from the thoughts in their heart. If you think that you cannot meet the deadline or that your house will be marked foreclosed because you think you wouldn’t be able to pay for the mortgage, then these thoughts will produce the feelings of worry, anxiety and depression.
This is not how you are designed to live, you are created to live a happier life.
When you think positively, then you will have the energy to overcome every negative circumstances around you. Instead of burying your head in self-pity, imagine the life you want in your mind through positive thinking
Do you want to live an emotional stress-free and a peaceful life? Then think good and happy thoughts.
Think that you can meet the target, think that your business will rise again, think that you are the best of your kind and that no one is better than you are. Think on the opposite of the negative thoughts or feelings going through your mind. Encourage yourself and stay confident. Even during your dark season, let only good and positive thoughts flows through your mind. Remember, your thoughts crafts your feelings.
What Negative thoughts will do to you
It will limit your will power
God has deposited into you the inner ability to do everything and to achieve all things that you set your heart on. But if you allow the thoughts that You can’t, you are not qualified or that you are disadvantaged in any way then, you won’t be able to achieve your dreams. God has created into you the gifts and talents, supernatural abilities to create the future of your dream. However, you need to unleash this inner power embedded in you. The seed of greatness is you, but you need to make effort by using your will power to bring it out.
It devalues you
Giving in to negative thoughts will make you lose your self-worth and to think less of yourself. Negative thoughts prevent you from seeing the best of your efforts and to appreciate your life’s achievement. It makes you see yourself as a failure and that nothing good can happen within and around your life. All these and many more are lies of the devil. When you do not value yourself, you will allow other persons to miss use you. You will be less motivated and easily fall into depression. Think only good and positive thoughts about yourself as this will motivate you to jump out of bed every morning.
It affects your relationships
Having good thoughts will improve your relationship life. You will be more friendly with others and easy to associate with. This will also help you to attract the right kind of people into your life. However, having negative thoughts about yourself or others around you will make you run into isolation and loneliness. You will become suspicious of everyone around you, you will be mean, saucy, critical and hard to relate with. Its wise to make more friends than more enemies. Have thoughts of how to help other around you, how to be a blessing and to sow seeds of love. Then, you will also feel loved, supported and never alone.
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