7 Home Cleaning Tips for Busy Moms

Are you tired of coming back to a messy home after a stressful day at work? No worries. These cleaning tips for busy mom is specially designed to help keep your home sparkle-clean and Guest-ready

You can make your home attractive and guest-ready in minutes without having to worry about not having time to do the cleaning task.

Keeping the home clean and organized can be a major challenge for busy moms with an energy surging career. Keeping your home organized and having a stain-free floor can also seem unrealistic especially when you have a toddler and two preschool kids around the house and a 101 task to do plus blogging. Most time you will feel like, “oh my God! When will I have the time to get the house tidied up?”

Don’t worry, you don’t need the whole of eternity to get your home cleaned up. I have specially designed this cleaning tips for you. You should do this in a few minutes without getting your daily work schedules disrupted and you will still have enough time to spend with your kids and spouse.

As a busy mom, with up to three side hustle jobs and also a 9 am – 5 pm job, keeping my home cleaned is not an easy task. However, based on my home cleaning experience, I will be sharing with you 7 effective home cleaning tips to help you get past the stress of a cluttered home. You can transform your home into a haven you will always love to come back to.

7 home cleaning tips for busy moms

1.           Lay your bed immediately you wake up in the morning

I know you are in a hurry to get out of bed, make breakfast and rush out to work. however, if you an spare a minutes to observe this number one of the cleaning tips, you will be glad you did when you return from work.

Keeping a well-laid bed is a major secret to having an organized bedroom. This should be the next thing you do after standing up from the bed. Spread the bed sheet properly and turn-in the edges into the bedsides, then puff the pillows and place them properly on the bed. A rough and unlaid bed will make your bedroom look messy even though another part of the room is clean. You should also make sure that the wardrobe doors are kept closed so you could have a nice bedroom set. If you have a reading table or a dresser table in your bedroom, make sure you clear the top too and position the chair rightly.

2.           Always maintain a well-arranged living room

The living room is one of the frequently used rooms in the house and the first place either you or your guest will see when you enter your home. This means that it must be well organized. You do not need an hour to do this. The cleaning tips will show you how.

Spare 2 minutes every morning to rearrange the living room either before you step out of the house to go to work or when your kids are busy playing or have gone to school. Make sure the chairs, tables, and decors are organized and placed in their positions. Pick up any clothing, paper, toy, books or any material laying around and empty the trash can. You can do this in less than 2 minutes, even before you get out of the house.

3.           Clean up the cooking area immediately after cooking

The kitchen is another frequently used place in the home and which can really get messy and smells badly if care is not taken. However, you don’t have to wait until your routine cleaning day or a special time for deep cleaning before you should clean up the kitchen.

To keep your kitchen or cooking area constantly neat and organized, the secret is simple. Give attention to the number three of the cleaning tips.

Always clean up the cooking area after every cooking activity and make sure that all used kitchen equipment is cleaned up and placed in the right place. Furthermore, mop out water that might have poured on the floor, wipe stains immediately and wash all dishes, cups, and cutleries immediately after eating. Most importantly, don’t forget to always empty the kitchen trash can every day.

4.           Spare 2 minutes every night before bedtime to wash the bathroom

The bathroom is a portion of the house that no one wants to wash because it stinks. However, you can make your bathroom look nice and clean if you can always spare 2 minutes to clean it up every day.

It’s simple. Wash the bathtub, the water closet, and the floor. Make sure you use some disinfectants too, warm water and the appropriate cleaning product. Also, flush the toilet, and mop the floor after washing to keep it dry if your bathroom floor material is not waterproof. Then, spray some mild perfume or air freshener to have a sweet sensation. You can have a deep washing during your routine washing day. If you do this every day, you will keep your bathroom constantly clean and shinning. Isn’t the cleaning tips easier than any thing?

5.           Keep the shoes in the closet or on the shoe rack.

One of the major materials that make our home looks cluttered is when shoes are laying around on the floor. Place all shoes properly either in the closet or on a shoe rack for quick access. Always remind your kids to place the shoes in the right corner when they enter the house. You can train them to do this by setting an example for them. They will do the same when they see you do it.

6.           Keep all the dirty clothes in the laundry basket.

If you want your home to always look clean and organized at every hour of the day, make sure that you don’t have dirty clothes lying around especially in the bedroom.

Don’t keep a pile of clothing at a corner of the room. Instead, neatly fold all dirty clothes used by you and the children and place them inside the laundry basket immediately you pull them off. I know you are tired and that you feel like tossing the cloth either on the sofa in the living room or at a corner of the bedroom. However, be disciplined to always put dirty clothes in the laundry basket.

7.           Wipe all stains immediately

A stained floor can always be irritating and are not good on the floor especially when you have a toddler in the house who might pick up food particles that fell on the floor without your knowledge. So, you should make sure that you wipe stains immediately you notice them. Wipe all pet stains and disinfect the surface immediately so that they don’t cause a permanent stain to your floor when they are left uncleaned for a long time. Oil stains are also dangerous to be on the floor as it might make the floor slippery.

Do you find these cleaning tips for busy moms useful to you? Thank you. kindly share the link to this post with other busy moms who might need these cleaning tips. Thank you.


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