Extraordinary Women in the Bible: 5 Unique Lessons you must learn from Abigail

 Extraordinary Women in the Bible

An Extraordinary Woman is a proverb 31 woman. She is a woman of godly virtues and one who influence are home and community positively. She does not have to be a woman who is rich in possession but she is rich in the love of God.

 An Extraordinary Woman:4 unique Lessons from the Life of Abigail



Extraordinary Women in the Bible are Ordinary women who came out of their comfort zones, disregarding their personal challenges and limitations, doing exploit for the Lord, and impacting their generation positively. One of the extraordinary women in the Bible that have always fascinated me is Abigail, the wife of Nabal.

Abigail, an extraordinary woman, was the wife of Nabal of Maon, whose possession was in Carmel, the man was very great, and he had three thousand sheep and a thousand goats: and he was shearing his sheep in Carmel. But He was churlish and evil in his doings, and he was of the house of Caleb. However, Abigail was an extraordinary woman, a woman of good understanding, and a beautiful countenance.

Abigail was a wife and mother (a Homemaker) who was hospitable and of goodly character. She is kindhearted and has a good relationship with everyone even with her husband’s servants. She is friendly and approachable, a woman of good understanding and wisdom. She was an extraordinary woman of uncommon virtues. She possesses characteristics common with extraordinary women in the Bible.

Despite how lovely Abigail was, she was married to a man with a narcissistic personality disorder. Nabal did not recognize nor acknowledge the achievements of David but despised him as one who broke away from his master. Nabal was critical of David, looked down on him, and do not acknowledge the good deeds of David and his men toward his shearers. He was so arrogant that he responded so rudely to David and his servants while being not hospitable.


  • Abigail was an extraordinary woman who averted the evil determined by David against her husband and his household. She was a vigilant woman, who saw evil coming against her household and averted it.
  • On hearing the report of David’s request and her husband’s reaction, from Nabal’s servants, She responded positively and promptly even without seeking her husband’s approval, daring whatever action her husband might take against her for honoring David’s request. She was a brave and courageous woman.
  • She could pacify David’s anger by displaying respect, submission, loyalty, and wisdom as she acknowledged David as God’s anointed king over Israel.
  • She made David to realized that He is fighting the cause of the Lord to save God’s people from their oppressors, why will David then shed the blood of the people whom he is fighting for? Shedding the blood of one of the lord’s people will actually become a heartache to David in the future because David was known to be a man with the heart of a shepherd, who loves his sheep and will dare to risk his life with a lion and a bear for the protection and wellbeing of his sheep.
  • Abigail was able to stop David from taking vengeance by himself even though he was greatly hurt by Nabal’s response. She was an extraordinary woman who helped David to see beyond the present situation and the benefit of allowing God to take revenge on our behalf.
  • Abigail recognized the effect of good timing and circumstance to discuss important issues with her husband. When she came back from speaking with David, she met her husband in the mood of celebration and a high spirit. She, therefore, waited till the morning when he was more calm and sensible to discuss with him the implication of his actions against David and his men.


She lived a happy life

You might be wondering, how on earth a good woman like Abigail got married to a naughty, proud, arrogant, and evil man like Nabal. Abigail did not allow the lifestyle of her husband to influence her negatively or stop her from doing the right thing. She understood the essence of a humble and loving life despite the abundance of wealth that she had through her husband.

She did not allow her marital challenge to stop him from living a life of positive influence

Abigail might sometimes feel sad about the attitude of her husband but this does not stop her from living a happy life. She had a good relationship with her husband’s servant and virtually everyone around her. She was known for hospitality and caregiving.

She was a proverb 31 woman

Abigail was not wealth and prosperity drunk like her husband, she was loving and humble and was at peace with everyone. She is an exemplification of the proverb 31 woman; she was hospitable and has so much concern for every member of her household including the servants. She was a hardworking woman, who supports her household with the proceed of her labor. This made her give the materials requested by David without her husband’s input.

She was a persuasive speaker

Abigail was a persuasive speaker who could see beyond herself and also helped David to see beyond the current challenge.


  • As an extraordinary woman, You do not need a prestigious title to play a significant role in the life of others, especially those around you. You can be an ordinary woman who is doing extraordinary things for the Lord.
  • Life’s tough situations can bring out the best in you. Therefore, as an extraordinary woman, you do not need to bury your head in self-pity and self-mourning when your situation seems to defy change, especially with a spouse like Nabal who does not recognize your potential, skill, and ability. Let God use your situation to transform your heart and bring out in you, an extraordinary woman, he created you to be.
  • Look beyond your present crisis to the big picture, which is God’s purpose for your life.
  • As an extraordinary woman of impact, you must not be wrongly influenced by people around you especially those closest to you. Always strive to do the right thing which will bring out the good of everyone in the end, even when it might cost you to get involved in a daring situation. You could be an extraordinary woman someone is waiting for.
  • You must consider the importance of the right timing when you want to discuss with your spouse, loved one, or anyone about your differences or important issues in your life. You must be careful to choose the right words which will help them understand the points and not cause more friction.
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