baby dance moves

The Mystery of Baby Dance Moves: Where Do They Learn Them?

Watching a baby dance moves to music is a delight for parents and caregivers alike. Without any formal instruction or even prior observation of dancing, babies often exhibit movements that resemble dance steps. This phenomenon raises intriguing questions about the origins of baby dance moves. How do babies know how to move to a beat?

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Though a Man Falls, He Will Rise Again: President Tinubu’s Fall

Though a Man Falls, He Will Rise Again: President Tinubu’s Fall

In a symbolic and quite literal turn of events, Nigeria’s President Tinubu experienced a minor mishap during an official event marking the 25th anniversary of democracy in Nigeria. As he climbed the steps of a vehicle intended to transport him around Eagle Square in Abuja, the 72-year-old president slipped and fell. The incident, though swiftly

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emir of kano

Restoring Kano’s Ancient Legacy: Sanusi’s Reinstatement as Emir of Kano

In a historic move that has sent ripples across Nigeria, Governor Abba Kabir Yusuf of Kano State has reinstated Muhammadu Sanusi Lamido Sanusi II as the 14th Emir of Kano. This decision undoes Sanusi’s controversial dethronement four years ago and fulfills Yusuf’s campaign promise to restore the ancient cultural legacy and traditional governance structure of

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stress languages

Understanding Stress Languages: An Introduction

In our modern, fast-paced world, stress has become an all-too-familiar companion. From the demands of work and family to the constant barrage of information and stimuli, we often find ourselves overwhelmed and stretched to our limits. It is in these moments of intense pressure that our unique ‘stress languages’ emerge—the ways in which we express

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