Restoring Kano’s Ancient Legacy: Sanusi’s Reinstatement as Emir of Kano

In a historic move that has sent ripples across Nigeria, Governor Abba Kabir Yusuf of Kano State has reinstated Muhammadu Sanusi Lamido Sanusi II as the 14th Emir of Kano. This decision undoes Sanusi’s controversial dethronement four years ago and fulfills Yusuf’s campaign promise to restore the ancient cultural legacy and traditional governance structure of one of the nation’s most influential emirates.

Sanusi’s turbulent journey began in 2014 when he was appointed as the Emir of Kano after being removed as the Central Bank Governor following a public fallout with then-President Goodluck Jonathan. However, his tenure was short-lived as he found himself at odds with former Kano Governor Abdullahi Ganduje, who accused him of insubordination.

In 2019, Ganduje’s administration pushed through a law fragmenting the powerful Kano Emirate into five smaller emirates, a move widely seen as diminishing Sanusi’s influence due to his vocal criticism. As Vanguard reported, “The creation of new emirates fragmented the authority of the old Kano Emirate Council, diluting its power and influence.” Sanusi was eventually dethroned in March 2020.

Undoing the Fragmentation

Upon assuming office, Governor Yusuf swiftly acted to fulfill his promise, signing the Kano Emirate Council (Repeal) Bill 2024 to abolish the four additional emirates. As ThisDay reported, “Yusuf issued a 48-hour ultimatum to the dethroned emirs to vacate palaces and hand over properties.”
The decision aims to revive Kano’s glory by restoring its ancient emirate system. As BusinessDay noted, “Repealing the law would revive the lost glory of Kano as the division reduced the state’s capacity and dignity nationally.” The Kano Emirate, over a millennium old, has withstood the test of time.

Reconciliation and Unity

Sanusi’s reinstatement represents an opportunity for reconciliation after years of division. The Sahara Reporters highlighted its potential “to pave the way for healing and reconciliation in a deeply divided state.” Sanusi himself called for unity, with the BBC Pidgin quoting him as saying, “I dey grateful to God, and I dey call on all Kano people to embrace peace and unity” – echoing the biblical call in Ephesians 4:3 to “make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.”
While some hailed this as a triumph of justice, others fear potential unrest. As Leadership Newspaper reported, “Some see Sanusi’s return as a triumph of justice, others fear it could reignite tensions.” The minority Assembly members staged a walkout, arguing the split had brought rural development. However, the majority leader countered that “the unity visible for thousands of years in Kano was divided.” (Punch)

Preserving Cultural Heritage

The decision to restore the ancient Kano Emirate structure reminds us of the importance of preserving our cultural roots that have withstood the test of time. It was noted that the decision to right the wrong was a best decision for the government.

As believers, our true foundation is rooted in Christ and the eternal principles of God’s Word. Jeremiah 6:16 exhorts: “Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths…and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls.” We should continually check if we are straying away from the right path and make conscious effort to return. It was also noted. We must be ambassadors for Christ (2 Corinthians 5:20), seeking to reconcile all aspects of our lives and societies to Him.

Reconciliation after Conflict

Sanusi’s reinstatement represents an opportunity for reconciliation after years of division within Kano. As believers, we are called to be ministers of reconciliation (2 Corinthians 5:18), following Christ’s example of tearing down dividing walls of hostility (Ephesians 2:14). In our personal lives and communities, we must “make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace” (Ephesians 4:3). This requires humility, forgiveness, and a commitment to understanding diverse perspectives while remaining united in Christ.

Justice and Righteousness

For many, Sanusi’s initial removal was perceived as unjust. His reinstatement reminds us of the biblical call to uphold justice and righteousness, as Proverbs 21:15 states: “When justice is done, it is a joy to the righteous but terror to evildoers.”

As followers of Christ, we must stand against oppression, corruption, and unethical practices in every sphere of life. Living with integrity, honesty, and a commitment to doing what is right, even in the face of opposition, is a hallmark of our faith.

Wisdom in Leadership

The 2019 restructuring was widely criticized as diminishing Kano’s stature, highlighting the dangers of leadership operating without wise counsel. Proverbs 11:14 underscores: “Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety.”

As Christians, we must embody humility in our personal lives and leadership roles, being open to diverse perspectives, seeking godly wisdom, and being willing to course-correct when necessary. Surrounding ourselves with trustworthy individuals who provide biblical guidance can lead us towards wise outcomes that honor God.

Humility and Gratitude to God

In his remarks after receiving his reinstatement letter, Sanusi displayed remarkable humility and gratitude to God. He stated, “God is one and whatever He does, nobody can change and what He doesn’t do, nobody can…When He gives, no one can take it away and when he takes it away, nobody can take it back.

All authority and positions ultimately come from God. As Proverbs 21:1 states, “The king’s heart is a stream of water in the hand of the Lord; he turns it wherever he will.” Sanusi’s words remind us to remain humble in positions of power or influence, recognizing that we are merely stewards entrusted with responsibilities by the Almighty.

Divine Timing and Purpose

Sanusi reflected on the divine timing of his reinstatement, noting, “About 10 years ago, in this same place former Governor Rabiu Musa Kwankwaso gave me my appointment letter as the Emir of Kano. Today, after 10 years I am here again receiving a reappointment letter from Governor Abba Kabir Yusuf. “This resonates with the biblical truth that God’s plans unfold according Ecclesiastes 3:1 declares, “For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.” Sanusi’s journey, with its valleys and peaks, teaches us to trust in God’s sovereignty and to remain faithful even when circumstances seem uncertain or unjust.

Where do you need to apply this truth today?

What relationships or circumstances require you to exemplify Christ-like wisdom, forgiveness, and an unwavering commitment to righteousness?

May this pivotal moment inspire us to realign our priorities, seek forgiveness where needed, and ultimately point others to the transformative power of the Gospel in every sphere of life.


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