Our present life pattern and happenings are results of our choices and decisions of the past. However, you can overcome your past failures when you are ready to start living the future of your dream.

Sometimes, we all have been in a situation where we are to make a decision to choose, act, speak or do something. However, instead of doing it right, we made mistakes by making the wrong choices, acting negatively or saying the wrong words.

Our wrong decisions and actions might negatively affect us or people that are significant in our lives. These unreasonable actions have therefore brought upon us negative consequences which are currently affecting our lives or might limit us in our future achievements, if care is not taken. Nevertheless, you can overcome your past if you are ready to live the future of your dream.

Unforgiveness, which resulted from unresolved differences have torn apart many great relationships and marriages. Either or both partners then realized their failures after making the decision to break up the relationship. And one or both partners may live to regret this act. Failure in a business of great investment or an academic pursuit where you have dedicated much time and effort can be a cause of depression and creates fear of trying again in many humans. However, you can overcome your past failures with the right attitude- learning from your mistakes.

Your past can only limit you if you allow it to obstruct your vision of the future.

The major reason why our past keeps coming back to us is- to obstruct us from seeing the future. You either blame yourself or some other persons for your suffering. You will not be able to see the future when you blame yourself or others for your failures. Your past creates a fearful and awful image of how the future could be and this prevents you from trying again though the future has some possibility of success. Don’t allow the monster called the past to scare you from having your dreams come true. You can overcome your past by seeing the future ahead just the way it is- Beautiful.

You will be able to overcome your past, if only you could rise again from your point of depression. Shake off the feelings of failure, and try to see the little rays of light of hope coming from the future, then, could you realize your dreams.

Accept that you have made the mistake and then find a way out to deliver yourself from the feelings of guilt and self-worthlessness by taking another right step. You don’t have to write all your wrongs and find solutions to all the problems you’re facing. Rather, make other significant right decisions that can launch you into your desired colorful future. You can overcome your past by taking the right action today.

If you think you don’t have a future now, you can create one for yourself.

Don’t rehearse your past failures

Thinking about your past failures will only produce negative vibes in you. These negative vibes are the cause of the feelings of depression which weighs you down and stop you from moving into your future. Overcome your past by forgetting it, though you are keeping the lessons learnt.

Rehearsing your past will increase your feelings of worthlessness and guilt, stripes you of your will power and keep you bound to your past while you merely exist in the present.

People who rehearse their past dwell in their past and can never make any significant difference in their present life and the future. Your potentials of becoming a great achiever will also be buried in the past. This make you not more than a dead corps walking on the streets. overcome your past by rehearsing your future.

Dwelling in your past will kill both your present and your future.

Forgetting your past will empower you to live a productive life today while you carefully guard yourself and strife for the achievement of your dreams.

Self-condemnation will hinder you from moving forward.

Continually blaming yourself for your mistakes and failures is taking steps to gradual suicide. You are killing yourself, your emotions, and your power to think rightly and making right decisions. Don’t condemn or blame yourself for your past failures and mistakes. overcome your past by accepting self-love.

Instead, learn the right lessons that life want you to learn from those situations and then take the right steps to move forward. Think about the things you should have done to make the situation right or things you shouldn’t have done. Find out the right way of handling such situations and then keep them in mind so that you can act rightly if you are later faced with such circumstances.

However, instead of living in self-condemnation and self-hatred, you can increase your self-worth. You should Love yourself and accept your personality. If you think there are parts of your personality that as contributed to the negative incidents in your past, then strive to make a change and become a better person but never hate yourself.

You should increase your self-worth by adding profitable values, skills, and abilities to yourself and getting engaged in activities that affect others positively.

The bottom line

Disconnecting from your past is a foundation for creating your new future.

Do you want to live the life of your dream? Then, Disconnecting from your past and laying hold on life beyond today is a foundation for creating your new future.

Do not allow your past to hold you down any longer. It does not matter how long you have been in your fallen state, you can rise again.

Embrace everything that the future holds and never give sleep to your eyes until the future becomes a reality.

Stay hopeful.

With love,


Shine Rose.

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