Time management: A secret for productive living

Do you desire to achieve more in life? The first step to your life success is efficient time management.

Time management is the ability to make use of one’s time effectively and productively, in order to achieve a certain aim within a specified time limit.

Ephesians 5:15-17 So, then, be careful how you live. Do not be unwise but wise, making the best use of your time because the times are evil. Therefore, do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is.

At times, after a long day, the first thing you’d do is sink yourself on the sofa and hide from the stress and boisterous experience of the day. While running through your to-do list for the day and checking on the tasks, you’ve ticked done. The feeling of accomplishment or worry and anxiety fills your heart after assessing your progress for the day. Sometimes, you feel you have just wasted over 20 hours of the day thinking that you’ve been working as most of the tasks are unchecked.

It’s not that you didn’t want to do them, but several things which were not part of your plans for the day just kept on popping in, trying to get your attention.

Imagine a friend or neighbor, popping into your home unannounced. Probably, because she needed to share with someone the challenges she’s been going through. As your brother or sister’s keeper, you’d want to give a listening ear and a shoulder to cry on. You have done nothing bad. But yet, you felt guilty to yourself after she’d left. This is because she wasn’t on your schedule for the day and a part of your time was stolen.

Sometimes, it seems there is just not enough time to accomplish the things running through our minds or on the schedule. The 24 hours a day just seems not to be enough.

This feeling of dissatisfaction and un-fulfillment creates worry, fear, doubt, anxiety, and depression in your heart. It generates negative energies so much that you find it difficult to engage yourself in other productive activities for the day.

The future even seems unreal when you constantly have loads of leftover tasks flowing into each day, creating added responsibilities for each day. Success seems unachievable and progress is not measurable.

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Time management: The key to profitable living.

In order to overcome or minimize the anxiety that comes from all mentioned situations and many more. You must learn how to spend your time more productively.

 Any activities you include in your day are important to you and so to achieve your goals for engaging yourself in such activities. You must engage in proper and productive time management skills.

You must learn how to make good use of your time and this act is referred to as time management.

Time management is one of the principles of success. You need to understand the secrets that successful people know about time management.

If you’re successful in Time management, you would be able to achieve great things specified time frame no matter how short the time frame could be.

Time management is vital. You need to be intentional in practicing time management if you want to succeed. Managing your time will require hard work, hard work (dedication & commitment), smart work, and focus. Being successful at time management is the first step to being successful in life. Land your Dream Job with a new custom resume.

I would like to discuss the five key principles of time management. These principles will help you manage your time as you pass through life in your pursuit of success.

Download my eBook here for free to read more on How to manage your time.

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