Divorce has been a growing menace facing many marriages in the 21st century which is liable to linger till the centuries to come. This challenge has been a viral disease in both developed and developing countries. It has proven resistance to all forms of solutions offered. You need to save your marriage from divorce, if you want to enjoy the blessings of marriage.

There had been numerous causes of divorce in marriages such as irreconcilable differences caused by negative personality traits, debt, infidelity, abuse, drug addiction, alcoholism and many more.

Nevertheless, with the increase in the rate of divorce in our world, you can save your marriage from this civilized devil breaking into marriages, even Christian homes. Getting court approval for divorce is now an easy thing in our civilized world disregarding what our culture, traditions or religious beliefs say about divorce. And most times, the people who suffer most in the trauma of a post-divorce life are women and children.

Nowadays there are fewer marriages and more divorces, especially in the civilized world. Everyone wants to be involved in a loving relationship, but only a few individuals are ready for the commitment and responsibilities that it entails.

However, it doesn’t matter how rampant divorce is in our world; you can save your marriage against this socially acceptable marriage epidemic outbreak and maintain a happy, and Godly home where Godly seeds are raised for the Lord.

Do you want to make your marriage a heaven on earth? These tips to safeguarding your marriage from divorce will show you how.

Tip1: Share a commitment to love one another

Love is not just a feeling that you have for someone; it’s a decision you make, to stay faithful, committed and devoted to the one you love. Committing to love your spouse despite how you feel about him/her or the situation that you are both in, will save your marriage from divorce and to last a lifetime.

Tip 2: Identify your personalities.

Many couples were driven into married life because of their in-love feeling for one another not minding their individual peculiarity. You should know your partner’s temperament, what he/she is capable of and can’t. Having a vivid knowledge of who your partner is will enable you to develop a positive counter-reaction that will calm any negative vibe coming from your partner. This will help you to prevent a lot of strivings in the home.  These will also improve your ability to tolerate your partner’s excesses.

Tip3: Identify and Adjust any negative personality

You should identify attitudes or characters that are destructive or proving a threat to your marriage. Then make efforts to change or adjust. Although you don’t have to change your partner, each marriage partners who want to save their marriage from divorce should endeavor to get rid of negative attitudes.

Tip4: Embrace tolerance and forgiveness

One of the attributes of love is long-suffering and should be exhibited by everyone who is involved in a loving marriage relationship. You must be ready to tolerate your partner’s shortcomings and if possible, make up for any area where your partner is weak or passive. However, you shouldn’t stay only at the point of tolerating your partner; you should forgive when he/she goes wrong. Don’t ever forget that love forgives all wrongs. It doesn’t matter the type of wrong committed against you by your partner or its effect.

Tip 5: Embrace right communication

Nowadays, most couples find it challenging to communicate with one another in clear tones and as at when due. When communicating with your partner, make sure that you use the right words which will be understandable to your partner, don’t just speak, communicate. Let your partner have some time to respond to what you have said.

Always make your intentions and expectations known to your partner with no assumptions about your partner. When communicating with your partner, apart from choosing the right word, you should also choose the right time, tone and attitude for communication. Learn to listen while your partner speaks to have proper and understandable communication that will save your marriage from divorce.

Tip 6: Maintain an open and transparent relationship

For your marriage to prosper and save from divorce now or later, you should maintain an open and transparent relationship. There should be no secrecy between you and your spouse. Be transparent about every information you provide to your partner. Make sure that you say things just as they are with no exaggerations. Furthermore, do not compare your partner or marriage with another person, instead maintain an open, loving relationship with your partner as this will strengthen your love relationship.

In maintaining an open and transparent relationship with your partner, you can also plan your finance together, make sure that you both stay debt-free, with plans for your future. Have a mutual agreement on how to handle issues relating to in-laws so that each in-law will receive equal treatment.

Tip 7: Know your partner’s love language

You should know what you can do to make your partner happy and feel lovable. This is one of the attitudes that will strengthen your relationship with your spouse and increase its joy. speaking your partner’s love language is one of the major ways to save your marriage from divorce. Don’t expect your partner to speak the same love language as you do. Instead, find out what love language your partner speaks.

Tip 8: Avoid the third party

To save your marriage from divorce, avoid third parties from intruding into the affairs of your marriage. You should always make decisions regarding your marriage with your partner. Also, always try to work out your differences in a loving manner within the confinement of your home. However, you should only take helpful advice from friends, parents and family members.

The bottom line.

Stay loveable and be appreciative

Only lovable people will receive love because they will also be ready to give out love anytime. Make yourself attractive and loveable to your spouse. Always appreciate your spouse for all act of kindness that you have received from your partner, no matter how little it may be.

Appreciating your partner shows that you value and respect them. However, this simple act of appreciation will make love to grow in your hearts continually.  

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